UDP Ping Test
This page can be used to test the configuration of your VPPPN client, firewall and router
for fixed port configurations.
N.B. this page requires latest version of Firefox with support for cross site AJAX.
If you don't have the latest version of Firefox either get it,
or use the copy of this page hosted on abnoctus.com.
Steps to test external UDP access.
- Configure your router to forward traffic to VPPPN
- Open the port on your local firewall
- Launch the VPPPN client application (do not login).
- Check the status bar reports "Connected to dhc server".
- If the status bar reports a different message use the option in the "Network" menu called "Test Network Connection".
- If you can not connect to the DHC server check your firewall is are permitting UDP traffic to the Internet.
- Enter the port number in the form below (1194, unless you have changed it) and click the "Test ping" button
- The client should popup a window if the dhc server can connect from the Internet.
N.B. Some NAT routers will maintain the port open on which outgoing traffic has been sent it may be worth waiting for a few minutes and trying again to ensure the port is being forwarded correctly after a period on no network activity.